The best color is the one that makes you smile

Sunday 20 October 2013

"Най- хубавият цвят е този, който те кара да се усмихваш." Съгласни ли сте? 
Ето ви една хубава новина- намираме се в един от най-прекрасните, най- цветните и зареждащи сезони. Есента ни вдъхновява да бъдем различни и носи чувство на уют. 

Много хора обаче, като че ли напук на това си търсят извинение да изровят най- дълбоко заровените тъмни дрехи от гардероба си и да потънат в анонимност и монотонност. 
Но пък аз ви съветвам, когато слънцето ви гали с меките си топли лъчи, да се посегнете към един от заобикалящите ви в природата цветове, да го вмъкнете в ежедневния си аутфит и да заблестите с него! Защото есента е страхотна и трябва да й се насладим подобаващо!

В този ред на мисли днес е време за аутфит в един от най-хубавите и есенни цветове за мен- жълтото, комбиниран с меки тонове- кремаво, карамелено и бежово за подсилване на чувството на уют и удобство. Тъй като обаче не успях да се реша за нито един от изброените цветове, поради простата причина, че всички са ми толкова любими, ви представям цели три варианта, които се надявам да ви вдъхновят при следващото обличане на любимата ви рокля през есента. Кой е вашият фаворит?

До скоро и не забравяйте да бъдете цветни без да се страхувате от това!

"The best color is the one that makes you smile" Do you agree?
Here is one of the best news for you guys- the fall time is one of the most beautiful, colorful and powerful seasons. Fall inspires us to be different and brings a feeling of coziness.

Despite that fact,  most of the people are looking for an excuse to grab their deep hidden black clothes from the closet and to be anonymos. 
I can recommend you to grab one of all beautiful nuances from the surrounding nature and to bring more color into your outfit, which will brighten up you day. Let's shine with the sun, because fall is great and we should enjoy it.

You can see from the photos that I decided to wear one of the most lovely fall colors- yellow in combination with soft nuances- cream, caramel and beige. That brings feeling of coziness, doesn't it? You can see the dress in these three variants, because I couldn't deside which one is my favorite. What about you?

Be the colorbomb in the crowd this season and don't be scared!



  1. great all the details

  2. Your style and the way you mix clothes combined with your natural beauty and and those starry eyes bring color to every picture!
    Don't stop ispiring us!

  3. Amazing!

  4. I like all of those options, exept that one with a grey vest. The dress is gorgeous and I love the way you look in yellow! I agree, "The best color is the one that makes you smile")) Great post, dear)
    Have a fabulous time!

  5. Beautiful,your coat is adorable!!

  6. Perfect pics and so nice dress.

  7. I love your dress, especially with the cardigan!
    Would you like to follow each other?

  8. Super cute look! Your shoes are gorgeous!
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!
    Of course we can follow each other:) Following your beautiful blog now.
    Have a great day! xxx

  9. Such a stunning place, where is this? you look beautiful hun, your outfit is so perfectly styled love it. Thanks a lot for the comment, followed u on google plus xx :)

  10. this is a brilliant color for a dress,so bright and pretty :)
    following you now on gfc,maybe you want to do the same? :)

  11. Nice dress and super pictures. I get your message, and would be happy, if we will follow eachother.I start follow you now!
    Greetings Aziza

  12. These pics are fab! I adore the various ways you've styled this great dress! Thanks for visiting my blog! To answer your question: Yes! Please follow me & let me know. I promise to follow you back. Hugs, T.

  13. I can't make up my mind between the first and the last. Both are equally gorgeous. Love your style, very classy and chic. Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Let me know.

  14. great look! I follow you, follow me too if you want!

    Anthea’s Fashion

  15. I agree, this is a true and good quote, because I don´t like all colours each day, sometimes I prefer more red, then yellow and so on. You wear a cool outfit and I love the background!

    And thank you for your nice comment on my blog - I checked immediately your blog with the result: I like it!

    I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It´ll be great if you come return to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  16. Thanks for the follow, Doll! I'm your latest GFC follower. :) xo T.

  17. i love your coat in the first photo!

  18. Beautiful dress and what a stunning location for photos. It all goes so well together. The title of your post is so true.

  19. Dear I'm following you since some time -hope you follow me back :)

  20. Lovely look gorgeous!! :)

  21. So lovely!
    x Hannah

  22. Love this outfit! Yes, I would love to follow each other, I already am, hope you'll do the same :)

  23. I love your header and this dress :)

  24. beautiful look! following you now on gfc, please follow back if you want:) kisses:*)


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