Pop of color

Thursday 24 April 2014

Какво е мнението ви за едноцветните аутфити в черно?
 Аз, от своя страна, винаги съм била един от най-върлите им противници. Не ме разбирайте погрешно- има поводи, за които черното си остава must-have. За мен обаче е било някак непонятно, какво толкова мнозинството (особено от млади момичета) намира в него. Не мога да оспоря предимствата, които цветът носи със себе си, просто този факт никога не ми е звучал достатъчно убедително, че да ме накара да се облека в черно от глава до пети. 
Истината е обаче, че на мен също се е случвало да прибегна към него в моменти на отегчение или липса на вдъхновение. Винаги обаче съм се стремяла да спазвам своето златно правило при носенето му: добавяне на цветен/ни акцент/и за повече настроение! 

Какво по-подходящо за целта от кокетна оранжева чантичка, събираща в себе си така необходимите на всяка дама beauty богатсва? Влюбих се в своята още от мига, в който я зърнах, и използвах първата отдала ми се възможност да я разходя из градските улички. Защото би било просто недопустимо съкровище като това да си стои в къщи!

А какво ще кажете за аутфита? Обикнах го почти толкова, колкото чантичката, че го носих няколко пъти  без почти никакви промени. А това за мен си е истинска рядкост!

И така, нека не забравяме следващия път, когато се събудим в кофти настроение, да добавим цветен щрих към едноцветния си тоалет,  грабнем двойна доза капучино и намигнем с усмивка на новия ден. Защото той ще ни отвърне със същото!

What is your opinion in the black color combinations?
I personally have always hated dressing in black from head to toe and have wondered why people (especially young girls) do this. Don't get me wrong- I love the benefits of this color and it is definitely a must-have for some occasions. I just have never felt tempted by black, because I don't think it's the right color for me. That's why I have always tried to dress in different (mostly bright) colors.

Even if I try to avoid wearing black, I do wear it from time to time. (due lack of inspiration and motivation for example) In days like these, I always try to follow my golden rule: add a little touch of color to your outfit. This will make it look more attractive in a second and the best part is that (maybe) it will make you feel a liiitle better as well!

So that's why I decided to spice up my look with orange. I think this cute and girly bag is just the perfect finish to the outfit. I have to admit that it was love of first sight and I couldn't wait to show the city to this little treasure. It is the total eyecatcher and the ideal "shelter" for all the beauty things every lady needs!

What do you think about my outfit? I loved it so much that I wore it a couple of times, almost the same way. This is something I definitely don't do very often!

So, lets grab our double cappuccino, add a pop of color to our outfit, wink to the new day and... go out to conquere the world!  
Don't forget your fabulous purse, please!

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  1. Love this orange black combo, that dress is lovely!
    Thanks for stopping by! Sure I'll follow you, feel free to follow back ;) xo


  2. Wow, love how you combined it with sunnies!

    Check out my latest posts on Venoma's fashion diary and feel free to enter my Sammydress 2 x 20$ gift card giveaway !
    XoXo Venoma

  3. great dress and sunglasses

  4. Lovely look! I love the bag! :) I follow you via GFC, it's your turn! x


  5. I love how easy you wear a black maxi dress! I tried it once, and looked like I was going to a funeral! Lovely, black and orange.
    And you blog is beautiful. I'd really appreciate if you check out mine (:

    Alina à la Mode

  6. You look stunning in this maxi dress!


  7. Love those orange details!

    Sure I'd like to follow each other, following you now and waiting for you. :)

  8. Lovely this look, I adore the maxi dress!

  9. I like this look :)

    The Cutielicious

  10. Love your pop of colors, orange is such vivid color, you look awesome and so stylish !


  11. wow, such a great combo of colors used ..orange is popping out so nicely on you..looking gorgeous lady

  12. Wow, you look awesome and so stylish ! such a great combo of colors used ,orange is popping out so nicely on you. Love your sunnies and bag <3


  13. Loving those mirrored sunnies!



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I appreciate every single one and I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

For questions or feedback please don't hestitate to contact me at geyy92@gmail.com