MBFW Berlin Part 1

Thursday 21 January 2016

 Hello folks.

It is time for a fast update from the Berlin Fashion Week.
I've been attending some designer events over the past few days and wanted to share my experience with you.
Take a look at the photos and let me know in the comments below which collection is your favourite and why. =)

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ODEUR A/W 2016/17

RIANI A/W 2016/17

Здравейте, приятели.

Време е за един бърз ъпдейт от седмицата на модата в Берлин.
През последните няколко дни имах честта да присъствам на представянето на множество дизайнерски колекции за предстоящия есенно-зимен сезон, част от които ще споделя с вас.
Разгледайте снимките и споделете в коментарите кой е вашият фаворит и защо =)

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  1. This looks like such a wonderful show! Some of the designs are fantastic.

  2. great runway shots, it looks great!
    gorgeous outfit

  3. u look so nice,love the coat
    keep in touch


Thank you for the comments, it makes my day reading them.
I appreciate every single one and I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

For questions or feedback please don't hestitate to contact me at geyy92@gmail.com