Too Gothic? Why not!

Thursday 20 February 2014

Тъмни дрехи, нокти и устни в черно, силен грим, сребърни или метални аксесоари, мрачно време, тъмнина и пак тъмнина... това са само някои от асоциациите, които думата "готик" пробужда у нас . Всъщност обаче готик субкултурата е нещо много по-мащабно. 

Подтикната от желанието да науча повече за това течение, направих малко проучване и установих, че това съвременно явление се е зародило във Великобритания в началото на 80-те години и обединява музика, стил, начин на поведение, начин на живот. Една от основните характеристики на готите е стремежът им към различие и бунт срещу общоприетите норми или "дрескод". Представителите на "готик" стила са свободомислещи хора, които не търсят обществено одобрение, а вместо това се стремят да запазят правото си да бъдат свободни и различни. 

Именно тази тяхна "философия" беше моята отправна точка в избора на аутфит за днешния пост. Винаги е имало нещо около този стил, което ме е привличало. Може би цялата тази мистерия и романтика, забулени в тайнственост? Или може би възхищението ми към всички, който не се стремят да се впишат в общоприетите възприятия за "красиво" и "грозно", рискувайки да загубят себе си в опитите да се харесат на останалите? Каквато и да е причината, реших да експериментирам и се получи тази "готическо-елегантна" комбинация. Тъй като това не е моят типичен стил на обличане, трябваше да го интерпретирам по собствен начин като внеса свой специфичен "почерк". Мисля, че го постигнах със сладкия колан, който е перфектният завършек на визията.

Надявам се да харесате това маалко по-различно предложение и не забравяйте да експериментирате, търсейки себе си!

Dark clothes, black nails and lips, strong eye makeup, silver or metal accessories, dark weather, darkness and once again... darkness. These are just some of the many associations with the word "gothic". Actually the goth subculture is something much bigger.

I was inspired to learn more about the culture so I did a little reseach. I find out that it began in England in the early 80s and that the gothic subcultre encompasses music, style, fashion, attitude and lifestyle. The goths are not scared to be different and they are not looking for public approval, but they preserve their right to be free and different. That's why they often rebel against society or dress code.

Probably all these things inspired me to show you this outfit. I was wondering why I've always liked this style. Is it because of the whole mistery and romantic? Or is it because I admire people, who are not scared to be different and take a risk instead by trying out new things? Whatever the reason is, I decided it's time to experiment again and here is the result I would call "gothic elegance". Yes, this style doesn't scream "me" and that's why I tried to give to the whole look something, which is typical for me and my style. I think that it's the sweet belt which is the perfect final touch to the outfit.

I hope you will like this a little more different outfit. Don't forget to experiment, because trying out new things and trying to find yourself go hand in hand!


  1. So much interesting about goths, nice..
    I like your top a lot . U look so nice in gothic outfit

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. your blog is beautiful. Thanks for commenting on mine. and I'm still a kiss

  4. Incredible style and blog! :)

    I would like to invite you to my blog! I would be so happy if we support each other!
    I will follow right back when you do so, so just let me know!


  5. Love your blog! <3 You have incredible style. Would you like to follow each other?

  6. Thatb skirt is sooo nice,

  7. great post! :)
    you've got a lovely blog!
    would you love to follow each other? we could follow via GFC or via email and also on another socials like twitter instagram or lookbook

    just let me know on my blog :)


  8. Amazing pictures, beautiful outfit and you.. you are just astonishing! Loved reading the post and it really help us have a look at ''gothic'' from a different angle. You have a gift my dear, a gift that make the people see the beauty in everything. Never lose that, it's who you are and I am sure that many people will recognize a fashion thinker in you.

  9. Love the look girl. Would you like to follow each other? Please let me know if you're interested. Check out my blog and outfits on LOOKBOOK

    Louisa Moje

  10. love the top so cute I really enjoy your blog so far and would love to follow each other--please join my GFC and I'll follow you right back! xo Agatha

    1. thanks for your lovely comment, following you now on gfc cant wait to see your awesome posts! please follow back

  11. Great outfit! You look so pretty! Thanks for stopping by, sure we should follow each other, following you now on GFC, now waiting for you!


  12. your blog is really lovely!
    i follow you now via gfc. would be glad if you follow me bag. check out my blog:


  13. Stunning look! I’d love for us to keep in touch via bloglovin’, GFC, or Instagram! Let me know on my blog, I’ll be sure to follow back!

    s a r t o r i a l d i n e r
    Instagram @ sartorialdiner

  14. WONDERFUL DEAR!! love that top in combination with the skirt :) amazing!! i'm following already too..:) wish you a nice sunday.

  15. I think this is an amazing outfit hun, would you like to follow each other? x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  16. Love the gothic look girl! Thank you for your comment on my blog. I'm following you now on GFC #1020. Please follow back. Feel free to check out my outfit posts on MY LOOKBOOK

    Louisa Moje

  17. love the skirt, lovely post, now following your blog on GFC and g+, i hope you follow back

  18. I love your top dear ! You look great!


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