Spring is in the air

Monday 5 May 2014
Пролетта се носи във въздуха... приканваща ни да бъдем най-красивата версия на себе си. Как да го постигнем ли? Събуждайки своята нежна и женствена страна, разбира се.
Готови ли сте за коктейл от цветове и букет от флорални мотиви?
Ако и вие като мен сте привърженички на кокетните визии със силно подчертано момичешко излъчване, то днешното ми предложение най-вероятно ще ви допадне.
Трябва да призная, че нямаше как да подмина рокля като тази поради няколко причини: комбинацията от цветове и интересния модел, лично у мен събуждащ асоциация за... многоетажна торта! Нежното, деликатно излъчване с лек закачлив привкус придава на тоалета особено интересна нотка, която грабна моето внимание.
Миризмата на люляк, носеща се във въздуха подсили желанието ми за представената сладурска фотосесия, която реших да споделя с вас. Единственото, което липсва като завършек на тази кукленска визия, е голямо сладко изкушение. 
Нека се поглезим с едно!
Spring is in the air... challenging us to be the prettiest version of ourselves. Now is the perfect time to impress the world by looking feminine and delicate.
Are you ready for a cocktail of colors in combination with floral bouquet print?
If you are a fan of girly looks, just like me, than you may like today's outfit.
I have to admit that I couldn't pass by this dress and not buy it for several reasons: I liked the color combi, the print and the model which reminds me of a big... multi cake! I think that there is something special about this outfit- it's sophisticated, delicate and at the same time have that girly and flirty vibe.
What do you think about the photoshooting? I think the location compliments the outfit. The only thing missing to finish this doll-like look is a big, big ice cream!
Let's spoil ourselves with one!
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  1. What a pretty dress! I just love that floral print. So pretty!

  2. cute dress..i love floral print perfect for summer

  3. I really like colors , print and model of dress too.. Sting bring out the girly girl in us. :)
    U look so pretty
    Keep in touch

  4. such a wonderful dress, looks magnificent

  5. pretty!!


  6. ooh girl, i loved this pics so much. the dress is beautiful and these flowers remind me of my childhood :D

  7. You look amazing! Great dress!


  8. I love your blog <3 I just followed you, would you mind following me as well? :)

  9. hey, yes I would like that I Am following you! :)


  10. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting! I'm now following you on GFC :) Please follow me back so that we can keep in touch. If you would also like to follow each other on Bloglovin, just follow me and I'll follow you right back! Lovely blog!

  11. You're a doll! You look absolutely great! I'm gonna follow you! :D

    x Angela

  12. Cute dress! Very feminine and girly, you look amazing!

    Kisses from Vienna,

  13. Such a very beautiful dress. Great for spring and summer and very girly. I love the back.



Thank you for the comments, it makes my day reading them.
I appreciate every single one and I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

For questions or feedback please don't hestitate to contact me at geyy92@gmail.com