All Black?

Sunday 8 November 2015
Hey, guys.
It is time for another fall post and an (almost) all-black look, which for me represents the perfect mix of trend, comfort and chic. 
You probably wonder why I chose this outfit since I'm not a big fan of black.
I have to admit that since I moved to Berlin I started wearing it much more often. 
Actually, when I'm not in a mood for spending time thinking about different outfit combinations, I would probably go for a monochromatic look like this. Just a black maxi skirt with gold button details and a turtleneck blouse. So simple. And trendy. Simply the best decision for all these days when you want to feel anonymous while staying on the trendy side.
 And, of course, to stay true to myself, I also had to add a pop of colour with my favourite scarf - the best "weapon" against bad fall weather. 
What do you think about this look? 
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Време е за нов аутфит пост и доза есенно настроение. 
За днешната визия, която за мен съчетава тренд, удобство и шик в едно, заложих изцяло на черния цвят (нещо толкова нетипично за мен). Макси пола със златисти копчета и черна поло блуза - семпла комбинация, идеална за дните, в които искаме да се чувстваме анонимно, но все пак стилно и в крак с модните тенденции. 
За разчупване на леко строгата визия все пак реших да остана вярна на себе си и добавих голям шал като завършек. Свежият му цвят винаги ме зарежда с добро настроение - несъмнено най-доброто "оръжие" срещу навъсеното есенно време.
А вие какво мислите за визията?
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  1. the scarf is very nice;)

  2. Wonderful shawl! Love the colour!

  3. love the pop of color of your scarf! you look amazing!

    keep in touch!


Thank you for the comments, it makes my day reading them.
I appreciate every single one and I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

For questions or feedback please don't hestitate to contact me at