Fall Fairy Tale

Sunday 1 November 2015
Happy Fall, guys.
I know it's been a while since my last post, (actually around a month, wow!) but I've been so busy  working and doing an internship at an online magazine, so I didn't really have much time for shootings. Oh, you have no idea how much I've missed blogging though.  
I have to admit that I love fall.. there is just something so mysterious and melancholic about this season. Everyone knows about the special atmosphere you can feel in the wind, sense in the soft shining sun and smell in the colourful leafs around you. It does sound familiar to you too, right? 
This is why I though it would be SUCH a big waste not to use the beautiful nature as a decor of my new photoshooting. It turned out pretty cool, don't you think?
By the way, I think I found the perfect fall outfit for me. As you probably know I am a big maxi fan so I immediately fell in love with this dress. I like everything about it - from its colour and length to the comfort it provides me with. Another bonus point: it keeps me warm in a stylish way. 
You can wear it in both casual looks (with sneaker and a leather jacket for example) and you could dress up a bit and make the outfit more chic like I did. 
What would you prefer?
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Честита есен, приятели.
От последния ми пост измина доста дълго време,(всъщност около месец, уоу!) но напоследък бях доста заета с работа и стаж за онлайн списание. За съжаление не разполагах с никакво време за фотосесии, та това обяснява липсата на постове. Ох, как ми липсваше блогването само!
Помислих си, че би било истинска загуба да не използвам красивата природа около мен за новата си есенна фотосесия. Лично аз обожавам този магически сезон с всички пъстри багри, приглушеното есенно слънце и носталгичната атмосфера. Във въздуха като че ли се долавя нещо нежно, красиво и мистично, което дори не може да опише с думи. Именно в това се крие и есенната магия за мен.
Между другото, мисля че намерих перфектния есенен аутфит - дълга, плетена рокля в модерен за сезона цвят. Перфектният микс от комфорт и елегантност я прави идеален стайлинг "партньор" както за ежедневни (в комбинация с маратонки и байкър яке, например) така и за по-шик визии. 
Вие кое бихте предпочели?
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  1. you look absolutely gorgeous! I love fall even though I did not experience it yet, living in a place where there's no such weather. But seeing the beauty of it on the photos you all posting makes me fall in love with it along side with those great outfit! good luck on your internship and welcome back again on blogging! I've been mia also before when I started working early this year and wasn't able to photoshoot. So I feel you in there. Have a wonderful week ahead!

    keep in touch!

  2. amazing style dear..and beautiful location..

  3. it's lovely your coat;)



Thank you for the comments, it makes my day reading them.
I appreciate every single one and I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

For questions or feedback please don't hestitate to contact me at geyy92@gmail.com