DIY triangle nail airt

Friday 16 January 2015

Today's post topic is something I believe I have never talked about before on my blog, namely NAILS.
I have prepared for you one interesting manicure, which will turn your nails into a real eye-catcher. Learn how by watching my video tutorial. 

 I want to apologize to my international readers that the video is avaliable only in Bulgarian, but you can still follow the instructions. It's super easy!
I made this tutorial with so much love for you guys, and I really hope you will like it. Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel or to leave me a comment with feedback/suggestions.

Темата на днешния пост ще бъде нещо, което досега не съм засягала в блога до сега, а именно- маникюр. Подготвила съм ви една много свежа идея, благодарение на която всички погледи ще бъдат привлечени към ноктите ви. 
Инструкции за направата на маникюра ще намерите в новия ми видео урок (видеото ще намерите по-горе)
Вложих в него много любов и труд и силно се надявам да ви е хареса. Не забравяйте да се абонирате за канала и изкажете своето мнение/фийдбек/препоръки в коментарите.
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  1. simple and cute nails
    Keep in touch

  2. Cool tips & awesome shade, dear! Happy Sunday! xoxo
    Luxury Haven

  3. Oh very cute, simble but beautiful design~


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I appreciate every single one and I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

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