The magic of STOCKHOLM: VLOG

Sunday 11 January 2015

Hey guys.
Today I decided to share with you the third part of my series dedicated to my trip to Stockholm last summer. I know it has been a while since I've posted the other parts (to read them click here and here), but now I had the ressources/time to do it.
So this time I decided to surprise you with a brand new VIDEO on my Youtube channel. Hope you like it and don't forget to subscribe, because new videos are coming soon :))
 Днес реших да ви изненадам с нещо различно - ново ВИДЕО на Youtube канала ми.
 Ако трябва да бъда честна, това трябваше да бъде третата част от поредицата, посветена на пътуването ми до Стокхолм (припомнете си останалите тук и тук), но поради липса на време (а и мотивация) я публикувам чак сега.
Надявам се видеото да ви допадне и не забравяйте да се абонирате за канала, тъй като съм планувала много интересни неща :))

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  1. Hello from Spain: Stockholm is a great destination. Nice pictures. A great trip. Keep in touch

  2. Greetings from Ukraine)
    Cool vlog about Stockholm))


Thank you for the comments, it makes my day reading them.
I appreciate every single one and I will do my best to answer as soon as I can.

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